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Купить токарный станок 1к62,1к62д, 16к20,16к25, 1в62, мк6056, фт11,тс7
Купить токарный станок 1к62,1к62д, 16к20,16к25, 1в62, мк6056, фт11,тс70, иж250 после ремонта в наличии. Тульский Промышленный Завод оказывает услуги по ремонту токарных станков, шлифовке станин, кареток, ползушек для токарных станков.
ООО Тульский Промышленный Завод
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Продам токарно-винторезный станок мод. 1К62Д.
Продам токарно-винторезный станок мод. 1К62Д.
Продам из г. Челябинска:
1. Токарно-винторезные станки:
-1К62Д рмц 1000. Стоимость договорная. Всегда в наличии!
-1К625Д рмц 1000. Стоимость договорная. Всегда в наличии!
-1К625ДГ (с гапом) рмц 2000. Стоимость договорная. Всегда в наличии!
-1К63ДГ рмц 2000. Стоимость договорная.
2. Токарно-затыловочный станок мод. DH250/4. Стоимость договорная. Состояние отличное.
3. Токарный станок 1М63*1500, стоимость договорная.
4. Токарный станок мод. 1М63. Стоимость 360 т.р.
5. Автомат продольного точения мод.1В06А. Стоимость договорная.
Полный список оборудования вы можете посмотреть на нашем сайте, а также Бесплатно скачать паспорта на станки.
ООО ПКФ «Калибр СТ» г. Челябинск
Тел. 8-922-700-77-77, 8-351-904-01-26.
Е-mail: chel-stanok@mail.ru. Сайт www.kalibr-st.ru
ООО ПФК "Калибр СТ"
.11.2017 Повсеместно
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Качественный капитальный ремонт токарных станков 16к20, 1к62, 1в62, 16
Качественный капитальный ремонт токарных станков 16к20, 1к62, 1в62, 16в20,16к25, фт11,иж250, 1м63. Тульский Промышленный Завод выполнит капитальный ремонт токарно-винторезного о6орудования. Оказываем услуги по шлифовки направляющих станины, каретки. В продаже имеются токарные станки после ремонта. Гарантия до 12 месяцев на выполненные ра6оты.
ООО Тульский Промышленный Завод
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Станок токарный 16к20, 1к62д, 16к25, мк6056 в Москве и Туле после ремо
Станок токарный 16к20, 1к62д, 16к25, мк6056 в Москве и Туле после ремонта с гарантией. С проверкой в ра6оте. Продажа токарных станков после ремонта с гарантией в отличном состоянии с паспортными точностями. Шлифовка станин и кареток.
ООО Тульский Промышленный Завод
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Продажа станков иж250, 1к62д, 16к20, 16к25, фт11, тс70.Продаём токарны
Продажа станков иж250, 1к62д, 16к20, 16к25, фт11, тс70.Продаём токарные станки после ремонта с заводскими нормами точности. С заменой шпиндельных подшипников
ООО Тульский Промышленный Завод
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Продаём после ремонта в Туле 1в62, 1к62д, 16к20,16к25 после ремонта с
Продаём после ремонта в Туле 1в62, 1к62д, 16к20,16к25 после ремонта с гарантией. Ремонт токарных станков, шлифовка станин и кареток, поставка запасных частей к токарным станкам. Патроны, винты-гайки производство. Тульский Промышленный Завод.
ООО Тульский Промышленный Завод
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Всегда в продаже токарно-винторезные станки.
Всегда в продаже токарно-винторезные станки.
Продам со склада в г. Челябинске:
1. Токарно-винторезные станки:
-1К62Д рмц 1000. Стоимость договорная.
-1К625Д рмц 1000. Стоимость договорная.
-1К625ДГ (с гапом) рмц 2000. Стоимость договорная.
2. Токарно-затыловочный станок мод. DH250/4. Стоимость договорная. Состояние отличное.
3. Токарный станок 1М63*1500, стоимость 280т. руб. Состояние отличное.
4. Токарный станок мод. 1М63. Стоимость 360 т.р.
5. Автомат продольного точения мод.1В06А. Стоимость договорная.
Полный список оборудования вы можете посмотреть на нашем сайте, а также Бесплатно скачать паспорта на станки.
ООО ПКФ «Калибр СТ» г. Челябинск
Тел. 8-922-700-77-77, 8-351-904-01-26.
Е-mail: chel-stanok@mail.ru. Сайт www.kalibr-st.ru
ООО ПФК "Калибр СТ"
.10.2017 Повсеместно
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Продам токарные станки по металлу. ОО ПКФ «Калибр СТ».
Продам токарные станки по металлу. ОО ПКФ «Калибр СТ».
1. Токарно-затыловочный станок мод. DH250/4, стоимость договорная. Состояние отличное.
2. Токарно-винторезные станки:
-1К62Д рмц 1000. Стоимость договорная.
-1К625Д рмц 1000. Стоимость договорная.
-1К625ДГ (с гапом) рмц 2000. Стоимость договорная.
3. Токарный станок 1М63*1500, стоимость 280т. руб. Состояние отличное.
4. Токарный станок мод. 1М63. Стоимость 360 т.р.
5. Автомат продольного точения мод.1В06А, стоимость договорная.
Полный список оборудования вы можете посмотреть на нашем сайте, а также Бесплатно скачать паспорта на станки.
ООО ПКФ «Калибр СТ» г. Челябинск
Тел. 8-922-700-77-77, 8-351-904-01-26.
Е-mail: chel-stanok@mail.ru. Сайт www.kalibr-st.ru
ООО ПФК "Калибр СТ"
.10.2017 Повсеместно
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Продам станок токарный 1М63
Продам станок токарно-винторезный 1М63, 1974 г.в.
Станок не рабочий, стои на улице, под восстановление.
Длина обрабатываемой детали – 3 000 мм.
Наибольший диаметр обрабатываемого изделия:
над станиной - 630 мм.
над суппортом - 350 мм.
Локация – Урал.
Цена – договорная.
Всю информацию, включая дополнительные фото, вы можете получить по запросу.
Ридел СтанкЪ
.10.2017 Пермь
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Токарный станок с ЧПУ РТ755Ф3 (РМЦ 3000), 16М30Ф3 (РМЦ 1500) б\у
Компания ТИТАН реализует б/у оборудование:
- РТ755Ф3 - токарный станок с ЧПУ б/у, года выпуска - 1991. Краткая характеристика: наибольший диаметр устанавливаемой детали / в люнете - 1070 / 150...500 мм, наибольший диаметр обработки над станиной / суппортом - 1000 / 590 мм; наибольшая длина устанавливаемая в центрах (РМЦ) - 3000 мм; наибольшая длина обработки в центрах - 2800; комплектное состояние;
- 16М30Ф3 - токарно-винторезный станок с ЧПУ NC-210 б/у, год выпуска - 1988. Краткое описание: диаметр обработки над станиной - 500 мм; диаметр обработки над суппортом - 320 мм; длина обрабатываемой детали (РМЦ) - 1500 мм; комплектное состояние.
Оказываем поддержку в таможенном оформлении. Дополнительная информация и фотографии по запросу и на сайте Титанпром.ру
Также продаём: РТ755Ф3 (РМЦ 3000), Hoesch DF1000N-VF1, VDF-BOEHRINGER V800 NC 5000, Heckert DXWU-630, 16М30Ф3 (РМЦ 1500), 16М30Ф3121, 16А20Ф3С32, 16А20Ф3, 16А20Ф3С39, 16А20Ф3С239, 16К20Ф3, 16К20Ф3С32, 16К20Т1, Kovosvit MAS MT-32 CNC, 16Б16Т1С1, 16Б16Т1, ТПК-125Вн1, 1М692Ф3, МК6713, HEID DFM30-NCC 1000, DP-630, 1516Ф3, SCHIESS 16DSC-125P, TOS SKQ-12NC, SKJ-12A, TOS SKI-12CNC, Berthiez TFM-100N, SKJ-10NC TOS, TOS SKQ8NC, SKJ-8 D NC TOS, 1П426Ф3, 1В340Ф30М, 1325Ф30, 1А740РФ3.92, САТ630С15Ф3, 1740РФ3 ИСП03, 1740РФ3, 1П756ДФ311, 1П756ДФ313, 1П756ДФ321, 1П756ДФ3, 1П732РФ3, 17А20ПФ30, NF-300 Pittler, SDM-12 NCC400 HEID, СТП220ПР, Pittler NF160, СТ-60, EBOSA CNC-140, DF-2/009, SPL-25 NCA, 1А751Ф3, 1751Ф3, 1А734Ф3, 1734Ф3, HAAS ST30, DMTG CKE-6163/1500, Goodway GLS-1500LMS, Mori Seiki NLX2500SY-700, Emco TURN E25.
Компания ТИТАН
.10.2017 Россия, Ярославль
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Токарный станок с ЧПУ Pittler NF160 б/у
Компания ТИТАН реализует Pittler NF160 - токарный патронный станок с ЧПУ б/у, год выпуска - 1985. Состояние - комплектное, работоспособное. Оказываем поддержку в таможенном оформлении. Дополнительная информация и фотографии по запросу и на сайте Титанпром.ру
Также продаём: 1А740РФ3.92, САТ630С15Ф3, 1740РФ3 ИСП03, 1740РФ3, 1П756ДФ311, 1П756ДФ313, 1П756ДФ321, 1П756ДФ3, 1П732РФ3, 17А20ПФ30, NF-300 Pittler, SDM-12 NCC400 HEID, СТП220ПР, Pittler NF160, СТ-60, EBOSA CNC-140, DF-2/009, SPL-25 NCA, 1А286-6, 1А751Ф3, 1751Ф3, 1А734Ф3, 1734Ф3, 1Б265Н-8К, 1Б265Н-6К, 1Б265-6К, 50MRB-6 Mitsubishi, 1Б240-6К, 1Б240Н-6К, 1Б240-6, DAM-6x32, 1А225-6, ЛА155Ф30, 11Т16А, В331, AWA-7.
Компания ТИТАН
.10.2017 Россия, Ярославль
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Токарный станок с ЧПУ 1А751Ф3 б/у
Компания ТИТАН реализует 1А751Ф3 - полуавтомат токарный вертикальный с ЧПУ б/у, год выпуска - 1989. Краткая характеристика: наибольшие размеры обрабатываемой детали, диаметр / высота - 710 / 200 мм; ход суппорта верт. / гориз. - 500 / 220 мм; состояние - комплектное. Оказываем поддержку в таможенном оформлении. Дополнительная информация и фотографии по запросу и на сайте Титанпром.ру
Также продаём: 1А740РФ3.92, САТ630С15Ф3, 1740РФ3 ИСП03, 1740РФ3, 1П756ДФ311, 1П756ДФ313, 1П756ДФ321, 1П756ДФ3, 1П732РФ3, 17А20ПФ30, NF-300 Pittler, SDM-12 NCC400 HEID, СТП220ПР, Pittler NF160, СТ-60, EBOSA CNC-140, DF-2/009, SPL-25 NCA, 1А286-6, 1А751Ф3, 1751Ф3, 1А734Ф3, 1734Ф3, 1Б265Н-8К, 1Б265Н-6К, 1Б265-6К, 50MRB-6 Mitsubishi, 1Б240-6К, 1Б240Н-6К, 1Б240-6, DAM-6x32, 1А225-6, ЛА155Ф30, 11Т16А, В331, AWA-7.
Компания ТИТАН
.10.2017 Россия, Ярославль
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ТПК125ВН2 станок токарный высокой точности
ТПК125ВН2 станок токарный высокой точности
Есть в наличии:
ТПК125ВН2, ТПК125ВН1П, станок токарный патронный высокой точности с ЧПУ,
до 5 ед. система ЧПУ: Н22-1МТ01, Н22-1МТ, станки 90 ых. г.в. в отл. рабочем состоянии, комплектных, с оснасткой, Савеловский машиностроительный завод СМЗ, СПО "Прогресс", предназначен для патронной и центровой обработки с высокой точностью малогабаритных деталей с большим количеством проходов и сложного профиля из различных материалов. Цена 175 000 руб РФ, 1 ед. подробности – фото по запросу на эл.ящик, доставка по договоренности.
ООО Станко Смоленск
.10.2017 Смоленск
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Передвижной станок для обточки колес тепловозов 1AK200 ZIP
Фирма-производитель предлагает изготовление и поставку под заказ запатентованных портативных колёсотокарных станков 1AK200 ZIP предназначенных для обточки без выкатки колесных пар маневровых тепловозов типа ТЭМ2. Портативный обточной станок 1AK200 ZIP - это компактное приспособление для устранения опасных дефектов колес тепловозов ТЭМ2 появляющихся в процессе эксплуатации, таких как наплыв гребня, вертикальный подрез гребня, остроконечный накат на гребне колеса. Цена станка 1АК200 ZIP, фото, видео, PDF проспект на сайте 1ak200.ru
1AK200 Ltd.
.10.2017 Эстония, Таллин
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Poreba TCG-125/6M, 1А665, 1А660 станок б.у.
Организация реализует б/у тяжелый токарный станок Poreba TCG-125/6M, 1984 г.в. Аналог станков 1А665, 1А660. Станок в хорошем техническом состоянии. Диаметр планшайбы 1250 мм, длина обрабатываемой детали до 6000 мм. Дополнительная информация при заинтересованности.
Владислав Федоров. Моб. +7-905-132-37-08
ООО «Время». Ярославль.
Т/ф: +7 (4852) 58-51-41, 64-51-41, 58-51-36
E-mail: fedorov@yarvremya.ru
Сайт: www.yarvremya.ru
.10.2017 Ярославль
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Продам станок токарный патронно-центровой 16А20ф30
Продам станок токарный патронно-центровой 16А20ф30 с ЧПУ, 2010 г.в.
Станок в рабочем состоянии, подключен, с проверкой в работе, после модернизации в 2010 году, ЧПУ NC-201М.
Наибольший диаметр изделия, устанавливаемого над станиной – 500 мм.
Наибольший диаметр обрабатываемого изделия над суппортом – 200 мм.
Наибольшая длина устанавливаемого изделия в центрах – 1000 мм.
Локация – Урал.
Цена – договорная.
Всю информацию, включая дополнительные фото, вы можете получить по запросу.
Ридел СтанкЪ
.09.2017 Пермь
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Предлагаем станок токарный 1м63.
Предлагаем станок токарный 1м63.
Станок токарный 1м63 РМЦ 1,5.
Отличное состояние. После ремонта. Шлифованные направляющие.
С проверкой в работе.
Цена 270 тыс.
ГК Август
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Купить токарный станок 16к20 рмц-750-1000мм после ремонта с проверкой
Купить токарный станок 16к20 рмц-750-1000мм после ремонта с проверкой в работе с гарантией. ООО Тульский Промышленный Завод оказывает услуги по капитальному ремонту токарных станков.
Тула Пром Завод
.09.2017 Москва
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Купить токарный станок 16к20,16к25,фт11,мк6056,тс70
Купить токарный станок 16к20,16к25,фт11,мк6056,тс70 после капитального ремонта в представительстве в городе Москва,Подольск или на заводе в Туле. Тульский Промышленный Завод капитальный ремонт, продажа токарных станков. Рассмотрим покупку, обмен, рассрочку.
Тула Пром Завод
.09.2017 Москва
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Купить станок токарный для обработки металла 16к20,16к25,иж250,1м63
Купить станок токарный для обработки металла 16к20,16к25,иж250,1м63 после капитального ремонта можете на Тульском Промышленном Заводе в Туле или в представительствах в городе Москва, Подольск . Также есть в наличии сверлильные, фрезерные станки.
Тула Пром Завод
.09.2017 Москва
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Продам токарные станки. ОО ПКФ «Калибр СТ»
Продам токарные станки. ОО ПКФ «Калибр СТ»
1. Токарно-винторезные станки:
-1К62Д рмц 1000. Стоимость договорная.
-1К625Д рмц 1000. Стоимость договорная.
-1К625ДГ (с гапом) рмц 2000. Стоимость договорная.
2. Токарно-затыловочный станок мод. DH250/4, стоимость договорная. Состояние отличное.
3. Токарный станок 1М63*1500, стоимость 280т. руб. Состояние отличное.
4. Токарный станок мод. 1М63. Стоимость 360 т.р.
5. Автомат продольного точения мод.1В06А, стоимость договорная.
Полный список оборудования вы можете посмотреть на нашем сайте, а также бесплатно скачать паспорта на станки.
ООО ПКФ «Калибр СТ» г. Челябинск
Тел. 8-922-700-77-77, 8-351-904-01-26.
Е-mail: chel-stanok@mail.ru. Сайт www.kalibr-st.ru
ООО ПФК "Калибр СТ"
.09.2017 Повсеместно
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Продам токарный 6-шпиндельный полуавтомат 1А286-6
Продам токарный 6-шпиндельный вертикальный полуавтомат 1А286-6, 1989 г.в.
Станок мало работал, в хорошем состоянии, стоит в цехе, проверить не возможно, отсутствует электрошкаф.
Наибольший диаметр обрабатываемой детали - 910 мм.
Наибольшая высота обрабатываемой детали – 870 мм.
Количество шпинделей 6
Локация - Подмосковье.
Цена – договорная.
Всю информацию, включая дополнительные фото, вы можете получить по запросу.
Ридел СтанкЪ
.09.2017 Пермь
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Капитальный ремонт станков 1к62, 1к62д, 1в62, 1в62г, 16в20, 16к20, 16к
Капитальный ремонт станков 1к62, 1к62д, 1в62, 1в62г, 16в20, 16к20, 16к25, фт11 восстановление геометрических норм точности. Проверка, испытание станков 1к62, 1к62д, 1в62, 1в62г, 16в20, 16к20, 16к25, фт11 после ремонта в присутствии заказчика. Гарантия на выполненные ра6оты.
ООО Тульский Промышленный Завод
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Ремонт продажа наладка станков 1к62, 1к62д, 1в62, 1в62г, 16в20, 16к20,
Ремонт продажа наладка станков 1к62, 1к62д, 1в62, 1в62г, 16в20, 16к20, 16к25, фт11 шлифовка станин, кареток. В наличии станки 1к62, 1к62д, 1в62, 1в62г, 16в20, 16к20, 16к25, фт11 после ремонта с заводскими нормами точности с гарантией. Тульский Промышленный Завод.
ООО Тульский Промышленный Завод
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Станок токарный для металла 16к20 продаём после ремонта с гарантией в
Станок токарный для металла 16к20 продаём после ремонта с гарантией в отличном состоянии с паспортными точностями. Тульский Промышленный Завод продажа станков после ремонта.
ООО Тульский Промышленный Завод
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Токарно-карусельный станок 1512 после капитального ремонта
Токарно-карусельный станок 1512 после капитального ремонта, Продается токарно-карусельный станок 1512 после капитального ремонта. Станок готов на 90%. Электрика устанавливается непосредственно под Заказчика по согласованию.
.09.2017 Краснодар
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Продам токарные станки 16К20
Продам токарно-винторезные станки 16К20, 1980-х годов выпуска.
Станки в различном техническом состоянии, более 15 штук в одном месте.
Частота вращения шпинделя min/max - 162/2 000 об\мин.
Диаметр обрабатываемой детали над станиной – 400 мм.
Длина обрабатываемой детали от 710 до 1000 мм.
Локация - Урал.
Цена – договорная.
Всю информацию, включая дополнительные фото, вы можете получить по запросу.
Ридел СтанкЪ
.09.2017 Пермь
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Выкуп б/у станков. Куплю станки бывшие в употреблении. Куплю пресса и гильотины.
Выкуп б/у станков. Куплю станки бывшие в употреблении. Куплю пресса и гильотины. Купим станки
Токарные: 1К62, 16К20, 1М63, 1Н63, 1М63Н, 1М65, 1Н65, 16К20Ф3, 16М30Ф3, РТ755Ф3, 9Н14, 1Н983 и т.д.
Фрезерные: ВМ127, 6Р12, 6Т12, 6Т13, 6Р82Ш, 6Р13, 6Т82Ш, 6Т83Ш, 6Р11, 6Р83, 65А60МФ4 и 65А90МФ4
Сверлильные и расточные: 2Н132, 2Н135, 2620В, 2А622, 2Н52, 2Н55, 2Л53У, 2С132, 2С135, 2К52
Шлифовальные: 3Л711, 3Л722, 3У131, 3У12, 3К228, 3К229, SASL
Зубообрабатывающие: 5С270, 5С276, 5С280, 53А80, 53А11, 5К32 и т.д.
КПО: пресса кривошипные типа КД2128, КД2330, гидравлические до 160т., гильотины от 6 до 12мм.
.04.2018 Россия, Саратов
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Капитальный ремонт токарных станков шлифовка станин 1к62, 1к62д, 1в62,
Капитальный ремонт токарных станков шлифовка станин 1к62, 1к62д, 1в62, 1в62г, 16в20, 16к20, 16к25, фт11 продажа токарных станков после ремонта. Поставка запасных частей для токарных станков. Тульский Промышленный Завод.
ООО Тульский Промышленный Завод
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Станок токарный с ЧПУ 16М30Ф30, Pinacho ST-310 б/у
Организация реализует б.у. станок токарный с ЧПУ Pinacho ST-310 (аналог станка 16М30Ф3 с РМЦ-3000 мм) производство Испания 2012 г.в. Расстояние между центрами - 3000 мм, высота центров 310 мм, максимальный диаметр обработки над суппортом 415 мм, ЧПУ Fanuc 0i, 8-ми позиционная револьверная голова, есть люнеты. Дополнительная информация при заинтересованности.
Владислав Федоров. Моб. +7-905-132-37-08
ООО «Время». Ярославль.
Т/ф: +7 (4852) 58-51-41, 64-51-41, 58-51-36
E-mail: fedorov@yarvremya.ru
Сайт: www.yarvremya.ru
.08.2017 Ярославль
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Предлагаем станок токарно-карусельный 1512.
Предлагаем станок токарно-карусельный 1512.
Станок токарно-карусельный 1512.
Диаметр обрабатываемой детали над станиной, мм 1250
Наибольшая масса детали, кг 6000
Высота обрабатываемой детали, мм 1000
Пределы частот вращения шпинделя, Min/Max, об/мин 1.25 / 250
Мощность двигателя главного движения, кВт 30
Габарит станка: 2920 х 2705 х 4100
Масса станка, кг 14800
Цена и более подробная информация по запросу.
ГК Август
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Продам токарные станки мод. 1К62Д рмц 1000, в наличии.
Продам токарные станки мод. 1К62Д рмц 1000, в наличии.
1. Токарно-винторезные станки:
-1К62Д рмц 1000. Стоимость договорная (на фото).
-1К625Д рмц 1000. Стоимость договорная.
-1К625ДГ (с гапом) рмц 2000. Стоимость договорная.
2. Лоботокарный станок мод. DP3-1400/1600, стоимость 500т.р. руб.
3. Токарно-затыловочный станок мод. DH250/4, в отл. сост., стоимость договорная.
4. Автомат продольного точения мод.1В06А, стоимость договорная.
5. Токарно-винторезный станок 1М63*1500, стоимость 280т. руб., состояние отличное.
6. Токарный станок мод. 1М63. Стоимость 360 т.р.
Полный список оборудования вы можете посмотреть на нашем сайте, а также бесплатно скачать паспорта на станки.
ООО ПКФ «Калибр СТ» г. Челябинск
Тел. 8-922-700-77-77, 8-351-904-01-26.
Е-mail: chel-stanok@mail.ru. Сайт www.kalibr-st.ru
ООО ПФК "Калибр СТ"
.08.2017 Повсеместно
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Предлагаем станок токарно-винторезный 1А62Г.
Предлагаем станок токарно-винторезный 1А62Г.
Наибольший диаметр точения над станиной 400 мм, над суппортом 210 мм.
Наибольший диаметр прутка, проходящего через отверстие шпинделя, 37 мм.
Количество рабочих скоростей шпинделя 24.
Пределы чисел оборотов в минуту при рабочем ходе от 11,5 до 1200.
Продольные подачи суппорта в миллиметрах на один оборот шпинделя 0,08—1,59.
Мощность электродвигателя 7 квт.
В рабочем состоянии. С проверкой в работе.
Цена и более подробная информация по запросу.
ГК Август
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Предлагаем станок токарно-винторезный 1е61мт.
Предлагаем станок токарно-винторезный 1е61мт.
Токарно-винторезный станок 1е61мт высокой точности.
Размеры обрабатываемых изделий
Наибольший диаметр прутка мм 30
Над верхней частью суппорта мм 188
Над станиной мм 320
Расстояние между центрами мм 710
Высота центров мм 170
В рабочем состоянии. С проверкой в работе.
Цена и более подробная информация по запросу.
ГК Август
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China CNC Vertical Lathe
China CNC Vertical Lathe:
China vertical lathe manufacturer
1.The super-high quality and mass remarkably surpass the domestic first-class factories.
2.The beam guide and ram guide are handled by supersonic frequency induction hardening (HRC≥50) while the sliding surface of guide is treated with sticking plastic (including inclined veneers and pressure plate). The precision of the product can be maintained for a long time and the cycle for big repair can be extended as long as more than 10 years.
3.EXcellent casting comes from the same factory that the domestic big factories utilize (all are in type of HT300) and the artificial heat ageing is carried out. The casting can never be carried out with weight-reducing treatment, the weight of the whole machine accords with the standard one.
4.five-angle tool carrier adopts high-precision rat gear for positioning and for all 120 pieces, super-strong stiffness. (the traditional five piece positioning plate can be compared with it)
5. 2 axial digital display is taken as the standard confirmation (4 axial digital display type will be exported)
6.The electrics adopt Japan Omron PLC control and the electric components utilize the components with ultra-high quality , specification (CE standard) assembly process, in addition, the electrics of the whole machine owns super-high reliability.
7.ELectric rotary valve, Grade 16 machinery variable speed make the device convenient, smart and reliable.
8.High-precision gear grinding gear and gear grinding spiral bevel (Grade 6 precision) are featured with low noise and stable operation.
9.JB/T4116-96 precision test standard of vertical lathe is performed
JB/3665-96 technical condition of vertical lathe is performed.
10.Advanced and perfect processing and assembly process forge excellent quality.
11.Accessory configuration is complete and only the user prepares for the knife and measuring tool, the operation can be started immediately. Perfect after-sales service (pre-sales, in-sales, after-sales, installation, debugging, training and maintenance etc.) in addition, one-year quality assurance service is granted.
12.Optional configuration: rolling working platform, Germany Mecano button station, heightening lathe and prolonging ram and square ram etc.
More CNC Vertical Lathe: http://www.strija.com/
Dalian YiMei Machinery Co., Ltd
.08.2017 The 29th,Landian,Zhuanghe,Dalian,China
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China vertical lathe manufacturer
China CNC Vertical Lathe:
Vertical Lathe Factory In China
1.The super-high quality and mass remarkably surpass the domestic first-class factories.
2.The beam guide and ram guide are handled by supersonic frequency induction hardening (HRC≥50) while the sliding surface of guide is treated with sticking plastic (including inclined veneers and pressure plate). The precision of the product can be maintained for a long time and the cycle for big repair can be extended as long as more than 10 years.
3.EXcellent casting comes from the same factory that the domestic big factories utilize (all are in type of HT300) and the artificial heat ageing is carried out. The casting can never be carried out with weight-reducing treatment, the weight of the whole machine accords with the standard one.
4.five-angle tool carrier adopts high-precision rat gear for positioning and for all 120 pieces, super-strong stiffness. (the traditional five piece positioning plate can be compared with it)
5. 2 axial digital display is taken as the standard confirmation (4 axial digital display type will be exported)
6.The electrics adopt Japan Omron PLC control and the electric components utilize the components with ultra-high quality , specification (CE standard) assembly process, in addition, the electrics of the whole machine owns super-high reliability.
7.ELectric rotary valve, Grade 16 machinery variable speed make the device convenient, smart and reliable.
8.High-precision gear grinding gear and gear grinding spiral bevel (Grade 6 precision) are featured with low noise and stable operation.
9.JB/T4116-96 precision test standard of vertical lathe is performed
JB/3665-96 technical condition of vertical lathe is performed.
10.Advanced and perfect processing and assembly process forge excellent quality.
11.Accessory configuration is complete and only the user prepares for the knife and measuring tool, the operation can be started immediately. Perfect after-sales service (pre-sales, in-sales, after-sales, installation, debugging, training and maintenance etc.) in addition, one-year quality assurance service is granted.
12.Optional configuration: rolling working platform, Germany Mecano button station, heightening lathe and prolonging ram and square ram etc.
More CNC Vertical Lathe: http://www.strija.com/
Dalian YiMei Machinery Co., Ltd
.08.2017 The 29th,Landian,Zhuanghe,Dalian,China
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Vertical Lathe Factory In China
China CNC Vertical Lathe:
1.The super-high quality and mass remarkably surpass the domestic first-class factories.
2.The beam guide and ram guide are handled by supersonic frequency induction hardening (HRC≥50) while the sliding surface of guide is treated with sticking plastic (including inclined veneers and pressure plate). The precision of the product can be maintained for a long time and the cycle for big repair can be extended as long as more than 10 years.
3.EXcellent casting comes from the same factory that the domestic big factories utilize (all are in type of HT300) and the artificial heat ageing is carried out. The casting can never be carried out with weight-reducing treatment, the weight of the whole machine accords with the standard one.
4.five-angle tool carrier adopts high-precision rat gear for positioning and for all 120 pieces, super-strong stiffness. (the traditional five piece positioning plate can be compared with it)
5. 2 axial digital display is taken as the standard confirmation (4 axial digital display type will be exported)
6.The electrics adopt Japan Omron PLC control and the electric components utilize the components with ultra-high quality , specification (CE standard) assembly process, in addition, the electrics of the whole machine owns super-high reliability.
7.ELectric rotary valve, Grade 16 machinery variable speed make the device convenient, smart and reliable.
8.High-precision gear grinding gear and gear grinding spiral bevel (Grade 6 precision) are featured with low noise and stable operation.
9.JB/T4116-96 precision test standard of vertical lathe is performed
JB/3665-96 technical condition of vertical lathe is performed.
10.Advanced and perfect processing and assembly process forge excellent quality.
11.Accessory configuration is complete and only the user prepares for the knife and measuring tool, the operation can be started immediately. Perfect after-sales service (pre-sales, in-sales, after-sales, installation, debugging, training and maintenance etc.) in addition, one-year quality assurance service is granted.
12.Optional configuration: rolling working platform, Germany Mecano button station, heightening lathe and prolonging ram and square ram etc.
More CNC Vertical Lathe: http://www.strija.com/
Dalian YiMei Machinery Co., Ltd
.08.2017 The 29th,Landian,Zhuanghe,Dalian,China
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China Vertical Lathe
China Vertical Lathe:
1.The super-high quality and mass remarkably surpass the domestic first-class factories.
2.The beam guide and ram guide are handled by supersonic frequency induction hardening (HRC≥50) while the sliding surface of guide is treated with sticking plastic (including inclined veneers and pressure plate). The precision of the product can be maintained for a long time and the cycle for big repair can be extended as long as more than 10 years.
3.EXcellent casting comes from the same factory that the domestic big factories utilize (all are in type of HT300) and the artificial heat ageing is carried out. The casting can never be carried out with weight-reducing treatment, the weight of the whole machine accords with the standard one.
4.five-angle tool carrier adopts high-precision rat gear for positioning and for all 120 pieces, super-strong stiffness. (the traditional five piece positioning plate can be compared with it)
5. 2 axial digital display is taken as the standard confirmation (4 axial digital display type will be exported)
6.The electrics adopt Japan Omron PLC control and the electric components utilize the components with ultra-high quality , specification (CE standard) assembly process, in addition, the electrics of the whole machine owns super-high reliability.
7.ELectric rotary valve, Grade 16 machinery variable speed make the device convenient, smart and reliable.
8.High-precision gear grinding gear and gear grinding spiral bevel (Grade 6 precision) are featured with low noise and stable operation.
9.JB/T4116-96 precision test standard of vertical lathe is performed
JB/3665-96 technical condition of vertical lathe is performed.
10.Advanced and perfect processing and assembly process forge excellent quality.
11.Accessory configuration is complete and only the user prepares for the knife and measuring tool, the operation can be started immediately. Perfect after-sales service (pre-sales, in-sales, after-sales, installation, debugging, training and maintenance etc.) in addition, one-year quality assurance service is granted.
12.Optional configuration: rolling working platform, Germany Mecano button station, heightening lathe and prolonging ram and square ram etc.
More Vertical Lathe: http://www.strija.com/
Dalian YiMei Machinery Co., Ltd
.08.2017 The 29th,Landian,Zhuanghe,Dalian,China
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CNC Double Column Vertical Lathe
CNC Double Column Vertical Lathe:
1.The super-high quality and mass remarkably surpass the domestic first-class factories.
2.The beam guide and ram guide are handled by supersonic frequency induction hardening (HRC≥50) while the sliding surface of guide is treated with sticking plastic (including inclined veneers and pressure plate). The precision of the product can be maintained for a long time and the cycle for big repair can be extended as long as more than 10 years.
3.EXcellent casting comes from the same factory that the domestic big factories utilize (all are in type of HT300) and the artificial heat ageing is carried out. The casting can never be carried out with weight-reducing treatment, the weight of the whole machine accords with the standard one.
4.five-angle tool carrier adopts high-precision rat gear for positioning and for all 120 pieces, super-strong stiffness. (the traditional five piece positioning plate can be compared with it)
5. 2 axial digital display is taken as the standard confirmation (4 axial digital display type will be exported)
6.The electrics adopt Japan Omron PLC control and the electric components utilize the components with ultra-high quality , specification (CE standard) assembly process, in addition, the electrics of the whole machine owns super-high reliability.
7.ELectric rotary valve, Grade 16 machinery variable speed make the device convenient, smart and reliable.
8.High-precision gear grinding gear and gear grinding spiral bevel (Grade 6 precision) are featured with low noise and stable operation.
9.JB/T4116-96 precision test standard of vertical lathe is performed
JB/3665-96 technical condition of vertical lathe is performed.
10.Advanced and perfect processing and assembly process forge excellent quality.
11.Accessory configuration is complete and only the user prepares for the knife and measuring tool, the operation can be started immediately. Perfect after-sales service (pre-sales, in-sales, after-sales, installation, debugging, training and maintenance etc.) in addition, one-year quality assurance service is granted.
12.Optional configuration: rolling working platform, Germany Mecano button station, heightening lathe and prolonging ram and square ram etc.
More CNC Double Column Vertical Lathe: http://www.strija.com/
China Vertical Lathe.
Dalian YiMei Machinery Co., Ltd
.08.2017 The 29th,Landian,Zhuanghe,Dalian,China
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CNC Single Column Vertical Lathe
CNC Single Column Vertical Lathe:
1.The super-high quality and mass remarkably surpass the domestic first-class factories.
2.The beam guide and ram guide are handled by supersonic frequency induction hardening (HRC≥50) while the sliding surface of guide is treated with sticking plastic (including inclined veneers and pressure plate). The precision of the product can be maintained for a long time and the cycle for big repair can be extended as long as more than 10 years.
3.EXcellent casting comes from the same factory that the domestic big factories utilize (all are in type of HT300) and the artificial heat ageing is carried out. The casting can never be carried out with weight-reducing treatment, the weight of the whole machine accords with the standard one.
4.five-angle tool carrier adopts high-precision rat gear for positioning and for all 120 pieces, super-strong stiffness. (the traditional five piece positioning plate can be compared with it)
5. 2 axial digital display is taken as the standard confirmation (4 axial digital display type will be exported)
6.The electrics adopt Japan Omron PLC control and the electric components utilize the components with ultra-high quality , specification (CE standard) assembly process, in addition, the electrics of the whole machine owns super-high reliability.
7.ELectric rotary valve, Grade 16 machinery variable speed make the device convenient, smart and reliable.
8.High-precision gear grinding gear and gear grinding spiral bevel (Grade 6 precision) are featured with low noise and stable operation.
9.JB/T4116-96 precision test standard of vertical lathe is performed
JB/3665-96 technical condition of vertical lathe is performed.
10.Advanced and perfect processing and assembly process forge excellent quality.
11.Accessory configuration is complete and only the user prepares for the knife and measuring tool, the operation can be started immediately. Perfect after-sales service (pre-sales, in-sales, after-sales, installation, debugging, training and maintenance etc.) in addition, one-year quality assurance service is granted.
12.Optional configuration: rolling working platform, Germany Mecano button station, heightening lathe and prolonging ram and square ram etc.
More CNC Single Column Vertical Lathe: http://www.strija.com/
China Vertical Lathe.
Dalian YiMei Machinery Co., Ltd
.08.2017 The 29th,Landian,Zhuanghe,Dalian,China
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Double Column Vertical Lathe
Double Column Vertical Lathe:
1.The super-high quality and mass remarkably surpass the domestic first-class factories.
2.The beam guide and ram guide are handled by supersonic frequency induction hardening (HRC≥50) while the sliding surface of guide is treated with sticking plastic (including inclined veneers and pressure plate). The precision of the product can be maintained for a long time and the cycle for big repair can be extended as long as more than 10 years.
3.EXcellent casting comes from the same factory that the domestic big factories utilize (all are in type of HT300) and the artificial heat ageing is carried out. The casting can never be carried out with weight-reducing treatment, the weight of the whole machine accords with the standard one.
4.five-angle tool carrier adopts high-precision rat gear for positioning and for all 120 pieces, super-strong stiffness. (the traditional five piece positioning plate can be compared with it)
5. 2 axial digital display is taken as the standard confirmation (4 axial digital display type will be exported)
6.The electrics adopt Japan Omron PLC control and the electric components utilize the components with ultra-high quality , specification (CE standard) assembly process, in addition, the electrics of the whole machine owns super-high reliability.
7.ELectric rotary valve, Grade 16 machinery variable speed make the device convenient, smart and reliable.
8.High-precision gear grinding gear and gear grinding spiral bevel (Grade 6 precision) are featured with low noise and stable operation.
9.JB/T4116-96 precision test standard of vertical lathe is performed
JB/3665-96 technical condition of vertical lathe is performed.
10.Advanced and perfect processing and assembly process forge excellent quality.
11.Accessory configuration is complete and only the user prepares for the knife and measuring tool, the operation can be started immediately. Perfect after-sales service (pre-sales, in-sales, after-sales, installation, debugging, training and maintenance etc.) in addition, one-year quality assurance service is granted.
12.Optional configuration: rolling working platform, Germany Mecano button station, heightening lathe and prolonging ram and square ram etc.
More Double Column Vertical Lathe: http://www.strija.com/
China Vertical Lathe.
Dalian YiMei Machinery Co., Ltd
.08.2017 The 29th,Landian,Zhuanghe,Dalian,China
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Single Column Vertical Lathe
Single Column Vertical Lathe:
1.The super-high quality and mass remarkably surpass the domestic first-class factories.
2.The beam guide and ram guide are handled by supersonic frequency induction hardening (HRC≥50) while the sliding surface of guide is treated with sticking plastic (including inclined veneers and pressure plate). The precision of the product can be maintained for a long time and the cycle for big repair can be extended as long as more than 10 years.
3.EXcellent casting comes from the same factory that the domestic big factories utilize (all are in type of HT300) and the artificial heat ageing is carried out. The casting can never be carried out with weight-reducing treatment, the weight of the whole machine accords with the standard one.
4.five-angle tool carrier adopts high-precision rat gear for positioning and for all 120 pieces, super-strong stiffness. (the traditional five piece positioning plate can be compared with it)
5. 2 axial digital display is taken as the standard confirmation (4 axial digital display type will be exported)
6.The electrics adopt Japan Omron PLC control and the electric components utilize the components with ultra-high quality , specification (CE standard) assembly process, in addition, the electrics of the whole machine owns super-high reliability.
7.ELectric rotary valve, Grade 16 machinery variable speed make the device convenient, smart and reliable.
8.High-precision gear grinding gear and gear grinding spiral bevel (Grade 6 precision) are featured with low noise and stable operation.
9.JB/T4116-96 precision test standard of vertical lathe is performed
JB/3665-96 technical condition of vertical lathe is performed.
10.Advanced and perfect processing and assembly process forge excellent quality.
11.Accessory configuration is complete and only the user prepares for the knife and measuring tool, the operation can be started immediately. Perfect after-sales service (pre-sales, in-sales, after-sales, installation, debugging, training and maintenance etc.) in addition, one-year quality assurance service is granted.
12.Optional configuration: rolling working platform, Germany Mecano button station, heightening lathe and prolonging ram and square ram etc.
More Single Column Vertical Lathe: http://www.strija.com/
China Vertical Lathe.
Dalian YiMei Machinery Co., Ltd
.08.2017 The 29th,Landian,Zhuanghe,Dalian,China
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DVTCK5263 CNC Double Column Vertical Lathe in china
DVTCK5263 CNC Double Column Vertical Lathe in china
1. The most advanced production technology of vertical lathe, modularization design and analysis of infinite elements are adopted to integrate machine, electricity and hydraulics the advanced technology, which represents high-precision exquisite cutting.
2. Siemens 802DSL or Siemens 802C CNC system which owns 100% full manual switch and operation function, that means no programming is needed even for the common operator. Manual operation is convenient and practical.
3. Two-step machinery variable speed+ ultra-large torque DC motor stepless speed control to realize turning with constant line rate.
4. Excellent casting (HT300) is handled by heat aging.
5. The guide on the beam is embedded with chromium-masurium-manganese guide plate.
6. The left tool holder adopts the common type while the right one utilizes CNC system; both of the two tool holders can all be selected as CNC mode.
7. The guide of working platform adopts constant current oil supply with constant current motor with the feature of stable precision; the hydraulic oil utilizes refrigerator for constant-temperature cooling and reducing the variant quantity of the working platform.
8. Different lubrication parts adopt automatic lubrication pump for automatic timing and quantitative oil supply.
9. High-precision ball screw adopts imported bearing (Germany INA) for supporting.
10. JB/T9934.1-1999 precision inspection of CNC vertical lathe is performed
JB/T9934.2-1999 technical specification of CNCvertical lathe
11. Lots of imported parts (electrical, servo motor, servo drive, hydraulic parts, bearings, screw, planetary reducer, etc.), reliable quality assurance.
12. Gear box adopts high-accuracy grinding gears.
13. With beams stainless steel protective and walking board etc.
Dalian YiMei Machinery Co., Ltd
.08.2017 The 29th,Landian,Zhuanghe,Dalian,China
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DVTCK5250 CNC Double Column Vertical Lathes
DVTCK5250 CNC Double Column Vertical Lathes
1. The most advanced production technology of vertical lathe, modularization design and analysis of infinite elements are adopted to integrate machine, electricity and hydraulics the advanced technology, which represents high-precision exquisite cutting.
2. Siemens 802DSL or Siemens 802C CNC system which owns 100% full manual switch and operation function, that means no programming is needed even for the common operator. Manual operation is convenient and practical.
3. Two-step machinery variable speed+ ultra-large torque DC motor stepless speed control to realize turning with constant line rate.
4. Excellent casting (HT300) is handled by heat aging.
5. The guide on the beam is embedded with chromium-masurium-manganese guide plate.
6. The left tool holder adopts the common type while the right one utilizes CNC system; both of the two tool holders can all be selected as CNC mode.
7. The guide of working platform adopts constant current oil supply with constant current motor with the feature of stable precision; the hydraulic oil utilizes refrigerator for constant-temperature cooling and reducing the variant quantity of the working platform.
8. Different lubrication parts adopt automatic lubrication pump for automatic timing and quantitative oil supply.
9. High-precision ball screw adopts imported bearing (Germany INA) for supporting.
10. JB/T9934.1-1999 precision inspection of CNC vertical lathe is performed
JB/T9934.2-1999 technical specification of CNCvertical lathe
11. Lots of imported parts (electrical, servo motor, servo drive, hydraulic parts, bearings, screw, planetary reducer, etc.), reliable quality assurance.
12. Gear box adopts high-accuracy grinding gears.
13. With beams stainless steel protective and walking board etc.
Dalian YiMei Machinery Co., Ltd
.08.2017 The 29th,Landian,Zhuanghe,Dalian,China
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DVTCK5240 CNC Double Column Vertical Lathe
DVTCK5240 CNC Double Column Vertical Lathe
1. The most advanced production technology of vertical lathe, modularization design and analysis of infinite elements are adopted to integrate machine, electricity and hydraulics the advanced technology, which represents high-precision exquisite cutting.
2. Siemens 802DSL or Siemens 802C CNC system which owns 100% full manual switch and operation function, that means no programming is needed even for the common operator. Manual operation is convenient and practical.
3. Two-step machinery variable speed+ ultra-large torque DC motor stepless speed control to realize turning with constant line rate.
4. Excellent casting (HT300) is handled by heat aging.
5. The guide on the beam is embedded with chromium-masurium-manganese guide plate.
6. The left tool holder adopts the common type while the right one utilizes CNC system; both of the two tool holders can all be selected as CNC mode.
7. The guide of working platform adopts constant current oil supply with constant current motor with the feature of stable precision; the hydraulic oil utilizes refrigerator for constant-temperature cooling and reducing the variant quantity of the working platform.
8. Different lubrication parts adopt automatic lubrication pump for automatic timing and quantitative oil supply.
9. High-precision ball screw adopts imported bearing (Germany INA) for supporting.
10. JB/T9934.1-1999 precision inspection of CNC vertical lathe is performed
JB/T9934.2-1999 technical specification of CNCvertical lathe
11. Lots of imported parts (electrical, servo motor, servo drive, hydraulic parts, bearings, screw, planetary reducer, etc.), reliable quality assurance.
12. Gear box adopts high-accuracy grinding gears.
13. With beams stainless steel protective and walking board etc.
Dalian YiMei Machinery Co., Ltd
.08.2017 The 29th,Landian,Zhuanghe,Dalian,China
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CKQ5240E Double Column CNC Vertical Lathe
CKQ5240E Double Column CNC Vertical Lathe
Such series of products adopt modularization design and the function can be selected arbitrarily. The product design is mature and reliable, thus, large amount of users have selected them.
2. With 100% full manual operation function, the common operator of vertical lathe can operate it as well without worrying about failure to manipulate machine tool due to the incapacity of programming. In addition, it is convenient and practical.
3. The working platform adopts four-step machinery + big power DC motor stepless speed control (AC frequency conversion can be selected) to realize rotary with large torque and own the turning function with constant line rate.
4. Excellent casting (HT300) is handled by heat aging.
5. The beam guide is handled by supersonic frequency induction hardening and it adopts rolling-sliding compound type. The vertical tool holder utilizes square type ram (QT600-3), which can realize heavy cutting. The sliding surface uses sticking plastic treatment with durable performance.
6. The beam guide, ram guide and vertical column guide adopt automatic lubrication pump for automatic timing and quantitative lubricating.
7. The ball screw adopt such type of Nanjing process or Taiwan HIWIN P3 level high precision while the lead screw uses imported bearing (Germany INA) for supporting.
8. The guide can be divided into such two types as static pressure and purely static pressure. The bearing of dynamic and static pressure is 10 ton; the purely static pressure adopts constant current for oil supply with 16-20 tons of bearing.
9. Independent hydraulic station is possessed, which facilitates adjustment, repair and maintenance.
10. The precision performs JB/T9934.1-1999 precision test of CNC vertical lathe as well as JB/T9934.2-1999 technical condition of CNC vertical lathe
11. High-standard processing and assembly process ensure the perfect product quality.
12. High-precision variable speed gear (Grade 6) and high-precision spiral bevel gear (Grade 6 gear grading) are featured with low noise and high rotary precision.
13. It is developed independently by the company.
14. Optional functions: constant current and static pressure, grating and closed loop, heightening the machine tool and ram and function of cutting thread etc.
Dalian YiMei Machinery Co., Ltd
.08.2017 The 29th,Landian,Zhuanghe,Dalian,China
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CK5235E Double Column CNC Double Column Vertical Lathe
CK5235E Double Column CNC Double Column Vertical Lathe
Such series of products adopt modularization design and the function can be selected arbitrarily. The product design is mature and reliable, thus, large amount of users have selected them.
2. With 100% full manual operation function, the common operator of vertical lathe can operate it as well without worrying about failure to manipulate machine tool due to the incapacity of programming. In addition, it is convenient and practical.
3. The working platform adopts four-step machinery + big power DC motor stepless speed control (AC frequency conversion can be selected) to realize rotary with large torque and own the turning function with constant line rate.
4. Excellent casting (HT300) is handled by heat aging.
5. The beam guide is handled by supersonic frequency induction hardening and it adopts rolling-sliding compound type. The vertical tool holder utilizes square type ram (QT600-3), which can realize heavy cutting. The sliding surface uses sticking plastic treatment with durable performance.
6. The beam guide, ram guide and vertical column guide adopt automatic lubrication pump for automatic timing and quantitative lubricating.
7. The ball screw adopt such type of Nanjing process or Taiwan HIWIN P3 level high precision while the lead screw uses imported bearing (Germany INA) for supporting.
8. The guide can be divided into such two types as static pressure and purely static pressure. The bearing of dynamic and static pressure is 10 ton; the purely static pressure adopts constant current for oil supply with 16-20 tons of bearing.
9. Independent hydraulic station is possessed, which facilitates adjustment, repair and maintenance.
10. The precision performs JB/T9934.1-1999 precision test of CNC vertical lathe as well as JB/T9934.2-1999 technical condition of CNC vertical lathe
11. High-standard processing and assembly process ensure the perfect product quality.
12. High-precision variable speed gear (Grade 6) and high-precision spiral bevel gear (Grade 6 gear grading) are featured with low noise and high rotary precision.
13. It is developed independently by the company.
14. Optional functions: constant current and static pressure, grating and closed loop, heightening the machine tool and ram and function of cutting thread etc.
Dalian YiMei Machinery Co., Ltd
.08.2017 The 29th,Landian,Zhuanghe,Dalian,China
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CK5231E Double Column CNC Vertical Lathe china
CK5231E Double Column CNC Vertical Lathe china
Such series of products adopt modularization design and the function can be selected arbitrarily. The product design is mature and reliable, thus, large amount of users have selected them.
2. With 100% full manual operation function, the common operator of vertical lathe can operate it as well without worrying about failure to manipulate machine tool due to the incapacity of programming. In addition, it is convenient and practical.
3. The working platform adopts four-step machinery + big power DC motor stepless speed control (AC frequency conversion can be selected) to realize rotary with large torque and own the turning function with constant line rate.
4. Excellent casting (HT300) is handled by heat aging.
5. The beam guide is handled by supersonic frequency induction hardening and it adopts rolling-sliding compound type. The vertical tool holder utilizes square type ram (QT600-3), which can realize heavy cutting. The sliding surface uses sticking plastic treatment with durable performance.
6. The beam guide, ram guide and vertical column guide adopt automatic lubrication pump for automatic timing and quantitative lubricating.
7. The ball screw adopt such type of Nanjing process or Taiwan HIWIN P3 level high precision while the lead screw uses imported bearing (Germany INA) for supporting.
8. The guide can be divided into such two types as static pressure and purely static pressure. The bearing of dynamic and static pressure is 10 ton; the purely static pressure adopts constant current for oil supply with 16-20 tons of bearing.
9. Independent hydraulic station is possessed, which facilitates adjustment, repair and maintenance.
10. The precision performs JB/T9934.1-1999 precision test of CNC vertical lathe as well as JB/T9934.2-1999 technical condition of CNC vertical lathe
11. High-standard processing and assembly process ensure the perfect product quality.
12. High-precision variable speed gear (Grade 6) and high-precision spiral bevel gear (Grade 6 gear grading) are featured with low noise and high rotary precision.
13. It is developed independently by the company.
14. Optional functions: constant current and static pressure, grating and closed loop, heightening the machine tool and ram and function of cutting thread etc.
Dalian YiMei Machinery Co., Ltd
.08.2017 The 29th,Landian,Zhuanghe,Dalian,China
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CK5228E Double Column CNC Vertical Lathes
CK5228E Double Column CNC Vertical Lathes
1. Such series of products adopt modularization design and the function can be selected arbitrarily. The product design is mature and reliable, thus, large amount of users have selected them.
2. With 100% full manual operation function, the common operator of vertical lathe can operate it as well without worrying about failure to manipulate machine tool due to the incapacity of programming. In addition, it is convenient and practical.
3. The working platform adopts four-step machinery + big power DC motor stepless speed control (AC frequency conversion can be selected) to realize rotary with large torque and own the turning function with constant line rate.
4. Excellent casting (HT300) is handled by heat aging.
5. The beam guide is handled by supersonic frequency induction hardening and it adopts rolling-sliding compound type. The vertical tool holder utilizes square type ram (QT600-3), which can realize heavy cutting. The sliding surface uses sticking plastic treatment with durable performance.
6. The beam guide, ram guide and vertical column guide adopt automatic lubrication pump for automatic timing and quantitative lubricating.
7. The ball screw adopt such type of Nanjing process or Taiwan HIWIN P3 level high precision while the lead screw uses imported bearing (Germany INA) for supporting.
8. The guide can be divided into such two types as static pressure and purely static pressure. The bearing of dynamic and static pressure is 10 ton; the purely static pressure adopts constant current for oil supply with 16-20 tons of bearing.
9. Independent hydraulic station is possessed, which facilitates adjustment, repair and maintenance.
10. The precision performs JB/T9934.1-1999 precision test of CNC vertical lathe as well as JB/T9934.2-1999 technical condition of CNC vertical lathe
11. High-standard processing and assembly process ensure the perfect product quality.
12. High-precision variable speed gear (Grade 6) and high-precision spiral bevel gear (Grade 6 gear grading) are featured with low noise and high rotary precision.
13. It is developed independently by the company.
14. Optional functions: constant current and static pressure, grating and closed loop, heightening the machine tool and ram and function of cutting thread etc.
Dalian YiMei Machinery Co., Ltd
.08.2017 The 29th,Landian,Zhuanghe,Dalian,China
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CK5225E Double Column CNC Vertical Lathe
CK5225E Double Column CNC Vertical Lathe
1. Such series of products adopt modularization design and the function can be selected arbitrarily. The product design is mature and reliable, thus, large amount of users have selected them.
2. With 100% full manual operation function, the common operator of vertical lathe can operate it as well without worrying about failure to manipulate machine tool due to the incapacity of programming. In addition, it is convenient and practical.
3. The working platform adopts four-step machinery + big power DC motor stepless speed control (AC frequency conversion can be selected) to realize rotary with large torque and own the turning function with constant line rate.
4. Excellent casting (HT300) is handled by heat aging.
5. The beam guide is handled by supersonic frequency induction hardening and it adopts rolling-sliding compound type. The vertical tool holder utilizes square type ram (QT600-3), which can realize heavy cutting. The sliding surface uses sticking plastic treatment with durable performance.
6. The beam guide, ram guide and vertical column guide adopt automatic lubrication pump for automatic timing and quantitative lubricating.
7. The ball screw adopt such type of Nanjing process or Taiwan HIWIN P3 level high precision while the lead screw uses imported bearing (Germany INA) for supporting.
8. The guide can be divided into such two types as static pressure and purely static pressure. The bearing of dynamic and static pressure is 10 ton; the purely static pressure adopts constant current for oil supply with 16-20 tons of bearing.
9. Independent hydraulic station is possessed, which facilitates adjustment, repair and maintenance.
10. The precision performs JB/T9934.1-1999 precision test of CNC vertical lathe as well as JB/T9934.2-1999 technical condition of CNC vertical lathe
11. High-standard processing and assembly process ensure the perfect product quality.
12. High-precision variable speed gear (Grade 6) and high-precision spiral bevel gear (Grade 6 gear grading) are featured with low noise and high rotary precision.
13. It is developed independently by the company.
14. Optional functions: constant current and static pressure, grating and closed loop, heightening the machine tool and ram and function of cutting thread etc.
Dalian YiMei Machinery Co., Ltd
.08.2017 The 29th,Landian,Zhuanghe,Dalian,China
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