Roll crusher is one type of crushers, but not the commonly used crusher. The rolls are easily replaced by undoing the retaining bolts on either side of the crushing segment and sliding off the centre barrel. The teeth on either roll are timed to mesh perfectly to produce a product of 20 x 20mm which crushing 4mm thick cobalt plate. The rolls rotate at 10rpm. Rolls are connected via heavy duty straight cut gears to ensure timing of the toothed segments. A simple grease lubrication point is provided.
In mine, metallurgy, chemicals, coal and other industries, It is the essential equipment for medium crushing. The particle size can be adjusted; the materials with the compressive strength of no more than 160MPa can be broken. Especially in the coal industry, roll crusher is used to crush coal. As long as the ore is removed the iron and cleaned, it can be directly broken. And the crushed material are particle size uniformity and over broken low. All these simplify the cleaning process, reduce investment and production costs , especially in the building materials industry production melon meters stone and green bean paste and other products, there are more excellent than general broken mechanical effect. The roller crusher is suitable for metallurgy, building materials, refractory materials and other industrial sectors broken, higher hardness of the material. The series of roll crusher is mainly composed of the roller, the roller support bearings, compaction and adjusting device and driving unit and other parts.
Matters you should attention:When dealing with material are too many contain large, attentionshould be paid to large ore is easy to from the crushing space to prevent injury or damage to the equipment. After double roll crusher run a long time, due to the roll surface wear larger, cause fairly granular product, then pay attention to adjusting the row ore mouth or on equipment maintenance. You also need enhance the inspection of the roll crusher equipment, the lubrication part of the equipment on time to go, keep equipment good lubrication condition.
stone crushing plant:
roller crusher:
double roll crusher:
Дата последнего изменения: 13.11.2014
Дата размещения объявления: 13.11.2014
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