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Transport of liquid non-hazardous cargoes (oil) in Flexitank

Transport of liquid non-hazardous cargoes (oil) in Flexitank

We are ready to consider the possibility of delivery to you of oil from Russia (Ltd. "YUGMASLOEKSPORT") in flexitanks. If you find this interesting email for more information.

Our company offers you to reduce expenses on transportation of non-hazardous liquid cargoes from Russia to your warehouse, using modern look transportation - flexitanks.
Transport operator "trans-region" works in Russia and is the official forwarder of JSC "Russian Railways" on the carriage of goods by rail. We have owned and leased railcars. Since June 2013, our company is the exclusive distributor of the company TRUST Flexitanks SL (Spain) in Russia.
We are located in Russia, it will help to provide for you the best logistics for delivery of liquid cargo from Russia.
We carry out operations within Russia, as well as transportation of export, import and transit cargo (syrup, molasses, various fats, vegetable oils and other oils).
Flexitank is a flexible and sealed container used to transport and storage of non-hazardous liquid cargoes in standard 20 -foot containers in volume 18000 - 24000 liters. If necessary, we can provide more information.
Also at the disposal of our company have open wagons, dumpcars, containers, etc., which allows us to provide not only the transportation of liquid but also almost all other types of cargo.
If you are interested in this offer, send us an email and we will calculate the price for your route, so that you can evaluate the proposed savings. If you have any questions or suggestions, we are ready to respond and listen to them.

Дата последнего изменения: 17.06.2015
Дата размещения объявления: 17.06.2015    Показать все объявления от Трансрегион
Название фирмы: Трансрегион
Контактное лицо: Максим
E-Mail: Отправить письмо на E-Mail автора объявления

Телефоны фирмы: +7 (499) 643-82-37
Адрес продавца: Москва
Сайт: http://transreg.ru/

Адрес товара/услуги: Москва
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| Transport of liquid non-hazardous cargoes (oil) in Flexitank
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