Предложение :
1. Material is excellent pellet feed for blast furnaces ( not suitable for EAF furnace). Rail to Russia from Finland is an option.
The Iron oxide is produced in Finland and will be shipped out of the Port of Kokkola. The yard it is produced has its own connection to the Finnish railway system. Perhaps this is an interesting opportunity for the Russian market, moving it by train instead of ship.
3.Attached you find the assay (done by Neutral surveyor) of the cargo 90.000 mt was sold to China.
The iron oxide (hematite) is produced during the roasting of pyrite. Hence the name of the iron oxide: Roasted Iron Pyrites. The average iron content is 65-68%.
Please note that the product looks, feels and behaves like a dry powder despite the relatively high moisture content.
General info:
Sales: FOB Kokkola only or by train for Russia?
Bulk Cargo Shipping Name (BCSN): Pyritic Ashes (iron)
Name on Bill of Lading: Roasted Iron Pyrites or Pyritic Ashes (Iron)
HS Code: 26012000 Roasted Iron Pyrites
With current index pricing of $125/mt for 62% Ore fines , the price for the iron oxide (trial load) is Euro 71/dmt FOB Kokkola.
www garbimeta com
Дата последнего изменения: 22.10.2020
Дата размещения объявления: 22.10.2020
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