Contreforce: Offering new ways of steel structure fabrication at Sakhalin region.
The Contreforce group of companies offers metal fabrication service for construction companies.
We are offer following:
-Steel elements (trusses, columns, beams, braces, girders, cantilevers, guard rails, staircases, landing platforms, awnings, canopies, etc.);
-Equipment mounting frames;
-All types of fasteners, various containers, bunkers, pipeline racks, elevated water tanks, fencing system for industrial and household applications;
-Brackets, clamps and space frames for cast-in-place industrial and residential construction projects;
-Embedded steel elements for prefabricated concrete;
-Structural engineering drawings.
Fabrication shop
One of Contreforce advantages in a brand-new workshop. The workshop is capable of fabricating up to 1,000 metric tons of high-quality steel structures per year that can be used in any sector, including oil and gas, power generation, civil engineering and others.
Contreforce fabrication shop is located in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Lenina street 416.
Our steel structures fabrication equipment includes:
-Plasma and gas cutting equipments;
-CNC plasma cutting machine;
-CNC rebar bending/stirrup and clamp fabrication line;
-Automated welding units;
-Automated band saw for steel profile and pipes.
Our Suppliers
Steel structures fabrication starts with metal procurement.
Our Major suppliers include Russia’s largest steel manufacturers:
-Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works;
-Metivest Eurasia.
416 Lenina street
Дата последнего изменения: 28.12.2013
Дата размещения объявления: 28.12.2013
Показать все объявления от Контрфорс
Название фирмы: Контрфорс Контактное лицо: Роман Николаевич E-Mail: Отправить письмо на E-Mail автора объявления
Телефоны фирмы: +79147563642
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РФ, Южно-Сахалинск Сайт:
Адрес товара/услуги: РФ, Южно-Сахалинск
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