Attach the sensor to a measured surface, holding BALTECH VP-3405 perpendicular to it. Press the button to start measuring vibration velocity.
The vibration meter BALTECH VP-3405 is intended to perform vibration monitoring and diagnostics.
Measurement procedure: place the vibration meter, press the button, measure a vibration level. After the button release the LCD will show "HOLD". The measurement result will be displayed during approximately 40 seconds, after which BALTECH VP-3405 will turn off.
The upper measurement limit of BALTECH VP-3405 is 199.9 mm/s (RMS).
If vibration exceeds the upper limit, LCD will display "ВАТТ" – it means that the battery should be replaced otherwise the device will give incorrect readings.
Two batteries should be replaced simultaneously
Дата последнего изменения: 05.03.2013
Дата размещения объявления: 05.03.2013
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